Dark night of the Soul is an album written by Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse. It is the latest work by Dangermouse, who has been producing and writing prolifically since his never-released 2004 The Grey Album. Dark Night of the Soul is a deep and mysterious album that would have been packaged with a 100 page book with original photographs by the director David Lynch that go along with the music.
Unfortunately due to yet another dispute with EMI (see Grey Album), this album my never be released. The 5000 lucky owners of the package set featuring David Lynch's work received only a blank cd (presumably for burning your own copy) with the word's "For Legal Reasons, enclosed CD-R contains no music. Use it as you will." For now the only way to listen to this album is streaming over NPR's first listen series. check that out before it dissappears into EMI's own tomb of lost records.
EMI Blows
ReplyDeleteDark Night of the Soul (the song) is awesome. As Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear would say, "It is a symphony of evil"